By 30. November we have ended our CFA for DigitAs-Conference. We would like to thank all applicants for their very interesting contributions. All abstracts will now undergo a peer-review-procedure. You do not need to do anything at the moment. We will get back to our applicants once we have finished our review.
Meanwhile please check our announcement for Prof. Hartmut Remmers public lecture at the Blue Square which will be held as part of the conference.
In response to a number of request we extend the deadline for our call for Abstracts. Our conference reflects on the use of social assistive technologies in healthcare. We welcome submissions to all of our four subthemes on ethical dimensions of social assistive technology in elderly care and medicine. The four topics are:
- Ethical Foundations of social assistive technologies
- Privacy and Simulation
- Self-determination between personal autonomy and socially assistive devices
- The element of care in social assistive technologies
The interdisciplinary conference addresses early stage researchers from different disciplines (medical ethics, medicine, law, philosophy, psychology, nursing science, political and social sciences, public health, history). Researchers from different countries (especially Germany, Switzerland and other European countries) are invited to present their research projects, to discuss them with leading experts and to contribute to the interdisciplinary discourse.
Please find more information here or download a pdf-file.

In future, an increasing number of elderly people will be reliant on the healthcare system. The emerging resource crisis will affect the right to social participation, wellbeing and autonomy of older or impaired people. Social assistive technologies such as robot companions or smart screen assistants promise to preserve individual rights by supporting their users in their daily environment. They offer emotional as well as physical care and support. However, socially assistive technologies raise difficult ethical questions about their ability to deception. Social assistive devices often create illusions and simulations. They can fool their users into social-like empathic relationships or manipulate their environment and beliefs. Isn’t that morally questionable? Should we use such technologies in the care of elderly? And if we do that: How should we use it? The Institute for Medical Ethics and History of Medicine hosts a conference on this issues:
International Conference for Young Scholars
4th – 8th February 2019 in Bochum, Germany
Aging between Participation and Simulation – Ethical Dimensions of Socially Assistive Technologies
Our Call for Abstract is out now! We invite international young scholars to present their research projects, to discuss them with leading experts in the field and to contribute to the interdisciplinary discourse on social assistive technologies and their ethical dimensions. Please find more information on this page or download our call here. We’re looking forward to your Abstract to arrive by 15 November 2018.