Aging between Simulation and Participation?

In future, an increasing number of elderly people will be reliant on the healthcare system. In the looming resource crisis of european healthcare systems, the use of digital assistive technologies such as social assistants or smart companions may attentuate the resource gap and to preserve oportunities to societal participation and individual decision for those who rely on support. However, social assistive technologies raise difficult ethical questions. Social assistants produce simulations to interact with – and manipulate their environment. Users run the risk of falling victim to a deception. What are the moral implications of such a risk of deception? Should such technology be used to support the elder or the impaired? And if it should, how should we use it?

“DigitAs – Aging between Simulation and Participation” examines the use of social assistive technologies and their tendencies to produce simulation and deception from an ethical and interdisciplinary perspective. A one week international conference for young scholars will be held in February 2019 (4th – 8th) . More Information on the call for abstracts and conference theme will follow soon.

erstellt am: 24.09.2018 | von: Joschka Haltaufderheide | Kategorie(n): General information

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Institute for Medical Ethics and History of Medicine

Markstraße 258a | 44799 Bochum
Tel.: +49 234 3223394

Letzte Änderung: 01.01.1970 | Ansprechpartner/in: Inhalt & Technik